The World Needs Me Week #8 Second Term 2020-2021


1. LET'S WATCH THE VIDEO AND DISCUSS: What do you think the benefits of recycling for the planet are? Let's make a list.




“I only feel angry when I see waste; when I see people throwing away things we could use.” – Mother Teresa


  1. Exercise#3
    Glass : A modern glass bottle takes about 4000 years to decompose and is 100% recyclable.
    Plastic: Plastic bags in the ocean kill millions of sea creatures.
    Paper: Recycling 2000 pounds of paper can save 17 trees. It is better to use recycled paper than new to reduce the pollution of the environment.
    Aluminum: Recycling aluminum can save a lot of energy enough to run your TV for three hours.
    Other facts: Recycling helps conserve natural resources like gas, coal, and oil.
    It refers to the fact that people throw garbage like nothing else, being able to recycle, because only a small part of the garbage is recycled properly, therefore, the vast majority decomposes on nature.

  2. exercise # 3
    Glass: a modern glass bottle takes about 4,000 years to decompose and is 100% recyclable.
    Plastic: Plastic bags that end up in the ocean kill more than a million creatures each year.
    Paper: recycling 2,000 pounds of paper we save 17 trees, and recycled paper produces 70% less pollution
    that the manufacture of new paper
    Aluminum: Recycling aluminum saves a lot of energy to run a television for three hours.
    Other facts: recycling helps conserve natural resources like gas, coal, and oil.
    exercise # 4
    It is very sad to see how people guide the world towards its own destruction, since all bad activities have terrible consequences, it also makes me very angry when I see people throwing garbage, plastics, papers, etc. and that is not good because we are polluting.

  3. Exercise #3
    Glass: A modern glass of about 4,000 years to decompose, and is 100% recyclable.
    Plastic: Plastic bags in the ocean kill millions of sea creatures.
    Paper: Recycling 2,000 pounds of paper can save 17 trees. It is better to use recycled paper than new.
    Aluminum: Recycling one aluminum can save a lot of energy, enough to run your TV for three hours.
    Other Facts: Recycling helps conserve natural resources like gas, coal, and oil.
    Exercise #4
    Well, this quote tells us that we should not waste food among other things since we pollute the environment and also we must not throw things like batteries, we know these things that we can recycle and do great things, it is not necessary to throw them away we have to move them away and not pollute the environment.

  4. Exercise #3
    Glass: A modern glass of about 4,000 years to decompose, and is 100% recyclable.
    Plastic: Plastic bags in the ocean kill millions of sea creatures.
    Paper: Recycling 2,000 pounds of paper can save 17 trees. It is better to use recycled paper than new.
    Aluminum: Recycling one aluminum can save a lot of energy, enough to run your TV for three hours.
    Other Facts: Recycling helps conserve natural resources like gas, coal, and oil.
    Exercise #4
    Good this quote says that we must recycle correctly, separate as it is and reuse what we can

  5. Exercise#3
    Glass : A modern glass bottle takes about 4000 years to decompose and is 100% recyclable.
    Plastic: Plastic bags in the ocean kill millions of sea creatures.
    Paper: Recycling 2000 pounds of paper can save 17 trees. It is better to use recycled paper than new to reduce the pollution of the environment.
    Aluminum: Recycling aluminum can save a lot of energy enough to run your TV for three hours.
    Other facts: Recycling helps conserve natural resources like gas, coal, and oil.
    It refers to the fact that people throw garbage like nothing else, being able to recycle, because only a small part of the garbage is recycled properly, therefore, the vast majority decomposes on nature.

  6. Exercise#3
    Glass : A modern glass bottle takes about 4000 years to decompose and is 100% recyclable.
    Plastic: Plastic bags in the ocean kill millions of sea creatures.
    Paper: Recycling 2000 pounds of paper can save 17 trees. It is better to use recycled paper than new to reduce the pollution of the environment.
    Aluminum: Recycling aluminum can save a lot of energy enough to run your TV for three hours.
    Other facts: Recycling helps conserve natural resources like gas, coal, and oil.
    Exercise #4
    I think it's a very good explesion
    since personally it bothers me a lot that people pollute the environment destroy it with waste and some can be reused


  7. Exercise#3
    Glass : A modern glass bottle takes about 4000 years to decompose and is 100% recyclable.
    Plastic: Plastic bags in the ocean kill millions of sea creatures.
    Paper: Recycling 2000 pounds of paper can save 17 trees. It is better to use recycled paper than new to reduce the pollution of the environment.
    Aluminum: Recycling aluminum can save a lot of energy enough to run your TV for three hours.
    Other facts: Recycling helps conserve natural resources like gas, coal, and oil.
    It refers to the fact that people throw garbage like nothing else, being able to recycle, because only a small part of the garbage is recycled properly, therefore, the vast majority decomposes on nature.

  8. Exercise#3
    Glass : A modern glass bottle takes about 4000 years to decompose and is 100% recyclable.
    Plastic: Plastic bags in the ocean kill millions of sea creatures.
    Paper: Recycling 2000 pounds of paper can save 17 trees. It is better to use recycled paper than new to reduce the pollution of the environment.
    Aluminum: Recycling aluminum can save a lot of energy enough to run your TV for three hours.
    Other facts: Recycling helps conserve natural resources like gas, coal, and oil.
    It refers to the fact that people throw garbage like nothing else, being able to recycle, because only a small part of the garbage is recycled properly, therefore, the vast majority decomposes on nature.

  9. Exercise 3
    Glass: A modern glass bottle takes about 4000 years to decompose and is 100% recyclable.
    Plastic - Plastic bags in the ocean kill millions of sea creatures.
    Paper: Recycling 2,000 pounds of paper can save 17 trees. It is better to use recycled paper than new to reduce environmental pollution and thus help take care of the trees.
    Aluminum: Recycling aluminum can save a lot of energy enough to run your television for three hours and much more in your home.
    Other facts: Recycling helps conserve natural resources like gas, coal, and oil.
    Exercise # 4
    I think it's a very good blast
    since personally it bothers me a lot that people pollute the environment, destroy it, trees throw waste and some things you can use

  10. Exercise#3
    Glass : A modern glass bottle takes about 4000 years to decompose and is 100% recyclable.
    Plastic: Plastic bags in the ocean kill millions of sea creatures.
    Paper: Recycling 2000 pounds of paper can save 17 trees. It is better to use recycled paper than new to reduce the pollution of the environment.
    Aluminum: Recycling aluminum can save a lot of energy enough to run your TV for three hours.
    Other facts: Recycling helps conserve natural resources like gas, coal, and oil.
    It refers to the fact that people throw garbage like nothing else, being able to recycle, because only a small part of the garbage is recycled properly, therefore, the vast majority decomposes on nature.

  11. Exercise #3
    Glass: A modern glass of about 4,000 years to decompose, and is 100% recyclable.
    Plastic: Plastic bags in the ocean kill millions of sea creatures.
    Paper: Recycling 2,000 pounds of paper can save 17 trees. It is better to use recycled paper than new.
    Aluminum: Recycling one aluminum can save a lot of energy, enough to run your TV for three hours.
    Other Facts: Recycling helps conserve natural resources like gas, coal, and oil.
    Exercise #4
    Good this quote says that we must recycle correctly, separate as it is and reuse what we can.

  12. Exercise#3
    Glass : A modern glass bottle takes about 4000 years to decompose and is 100% recyclable
    Plastic: Plastic bags in the ocean kill millions of sea creatures.
    Paper: Recycling 2000 pounds of paper can save 17 trees. It is better to use recycled paper than new to reduce the pollution of the environment.
    Aluminum: Recycling aluminum can save a lot of energy enough to run your TV for three hours.
    Other facts: Recycling helps conserve natural resources like gas, coal, and oil.
    It refers to the fact that people throw garbage like nothing else, being able to recycle, because only a small part of the garbage is recycled properly, therefore, the vast majority decomposes on nature.

  13. Exercise#3
    Glass: A modern glass botte takes about 4000 years to decompose and is 100%recyclable.
    Plastic: plastic bags in the ocean kill millions of sea creatures.
    Paper: Recycling 2000 pounsds of paper can save 17 trees. It is better to use recycled paper that new to reduce the pollution of the environment.
    Aluminum: Recycling aluminum can save a lot of energy enough to run yourt TV for theree hours.
    Other facts: Recycling helps conserve natural resource like gas, coal,and oil.
    It is outrageous to see how people guide the world to its own destruction, since all bad activities have their terrible consequences, it also makes I see people throwing garbage, plastics, that means they are supporting pollution.

  14. Exercise#3
    Glass: A modern glass bottle takes about 4000 years to decompose and is 100% recyclable.
    Plastic: Plastic bags in the ocean kill millions of sea creatures.
    Paper: Recycling 2000 pounds of paper can save 17 trees. It is better to use recycled paper than new to reduce the pollution of the environment.
    Aluminum: Recycling aluminum can save a lot of energy enough to run your TV for three hours.
    Other facts: Recycling helps conserve natural resources like gas, coal, and oil.
    Exercise #4
    I think it's a very good explesion
    since personally it bothers me a lot that people pollute the environment destroy it with waste and some can be reused.

  15. Exercise#3
    Glass : A modern glass bottle takes about 4000 years to decompose and is 100% recyclable.
    Plastic: Plastic bags in the ocean kill millions of sea creatures.
    Paper: Recycling 2000 pounds of paper can save 17 trees. It is better to use recycled paper than new to reduce the pollution of the environment.
    Aluminum: Recycling aluminum can save a lot of energy enough to run your TV for three hours.
    Other facts: Recycling helps conserve natural resources like gas, coal, and oil.
    It refers to the fact that people throw garbage like nothing else, being able to recycle, because only a small part of the garbage is recycled properly, therefore, the vast majority decomposes on nature.


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