
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2020

Frienship in a pandemic Week #5 2020-2021

                                     FRIENDSHIP IN A PANDEMIC 1. WATCH THE VIDEO AND DISCUSS: WHAT DOES TRUE FRIENDSHIP MEAN TO YOU? 2. READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT 3.  WATCH THE VIDEO, LISTEN, AND PRACTICE THE READING. 4.  ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS.     1. Who is your best friend?     2. Are you a good friend? Why or why not?     3.  What does true friendship mean to you?     4. How do you keep in touch with your friends during the quarantine?     5. What security protocols do you think you need to have with your friends? Mention 2.

Coronavirus Week #4 2020-2021

  CORONAVIRUS How much do you know about Coronavirus? Let's play with Kahoot! 1. LET'S DISCUSS ABOUT THESE QUESTIONS.  • What do you do to prevent coronavirus?   • How many times a day do you wash your hands?   •  When do you need to wear a mask?  2. READ THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE. 3. AFTER READING, WRITE IF THE STATEMENTS ARE TRUE OR FALSE.       1. Coronavirus causes a common flu. (............)        2. Under a microscope, the virus looks like a crown. (............)        3. The symptoms of Coronavirus are different from the flu. (............)        4. Older people will have more problems with coronavirus. (............)       5. We should call the police to get help for coronavirus. (............)        6. We should not touch our faces to avoid the virus. (............)        7. Staying at home is doing our job to stop the virus. (............)        8. The virus only affects people in Asia. (............)       9.  We should take care of our health  (..............)  

Safety Protocols Week #3 2020-2021

    SAFETY PROTOCOLS LET'S LEARN ABOUT SAFETY PROTOCOLS DUE TO COVID-19 ACTIVITIES 1. WATCH AND DISCUSS ABOUT THE VIDEO. 2. PRACTICE THE VOCABULARY RELATED TO SAFETY PROTOCOLS. 3. READ THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE. 4. GET MORE INFORMATION ABOUT "SHOULD". 5. PRACTICE AND DO THE ASSIGNMENT -You have to write 5 sentences using SHOULD and five sentences using SHOULDN'T about safety protocols to avoid COVID-19. For example: -You should wash your hands regularly. -You shouldn't visit hospitals.

Welcome Message, Rules and Personal Description Week 1 2020-2021

  WELCOME TO THE ENGLISH CLASS! Welcome to the English virtual class.  This blog was created for you to learn and have fun! RULES Watch the video of the rules of my class. TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE TEACHER... Now, it is your turn. I want to know more about you. Write your description by following the example below: Hello teacher! My name is   Johana López . I am from  Ambato . I live in  Atocha . I am   15   years old. I am a student of  2nd  BGU "B"  at Unidad Educativa  Bolívar .  My favorite food is  pizza . My favorite kind of music is   pop.  My favorite singer is  Michael Jackson . My favorite subject is  English   and my favorite color is  blue .I like to  study English ,  listen to music ,  surf the Internet ,  watch videos , and   read . I don't like to  study Math ,   cook ,  wash the dishes ,  paint , and  wash the clothes .  Thank you! 😊